
Zamina Ahmad is a



Data Expert

Product Manager

and thus helps AI solutions eliminate discrimination and use diversity as the basis for high-performance results.

Let's talk about data
Let's talk about data
Kreistext: Play with Audio

Zamina Ahmad, as a visionary entrepreneur and AI expert, combines technological innovation with social responsibility. Her path is characterized by innovative strength and the pursuit of a discrimination-free future.

Let’s Build A  Better Future

Zamina Ahmad began her career in data and technology over 15 years ago. Her journey into the world of software began in 2008 at an Indian IT company, where her fascination for data analysis and technological innovations was sparked. Since then, she has continuously evolved and held various roles, from data analyst to product manager to innovation leader. Her diverse experiences are reflected in the depth of her expertise and her ability to transform complex data into meaningful results.

Value for  Everyone

What truly sets Zamina apart is her role as an Innovation Lead. In this position, she is not only able to harness the power of data but also to translate it into pioneering solutions for various industries.

Her accomplishments include the successful development of data solutions for diverse fields such as e-commerce, the automotive industry, and renewable energies. Zamina's visionary thinking and practical approach have directly contributed to advancements in these sectors, demonstrating her exceptional ability to bridge the gap between data science and practical impact.

Fair Tech Fair society

Silhouette einer Person mit VR-Brille vor blauem Hintergrund.
Silhouette einer Person mit Smartphone vor gelbem Hintergrund.
Smartphone mit bunten Smileys vor grauem Hintergrund.

Fair tech fair society

Junge benutzt Tablet auf Holztisch vor gelbem Hintergrund.
Profil einer Person mit VR-Brille vor orangem Hintergrund.
Frau schaut auf Smartphone vor rosa Hintergrund.

The power of diversity

As the founder and CEO of shades&contrast, Zamina has built a consulting firm that specializes in data products and responsible technology. With a strong focus on data diversity and representativeness, shades&contrast develops customized solutions that create real value from your data.

Let’s Build better  Products

The algorithms and data solutions developed by Zamina and her team serve various industries and aim to provide non-discriminatory and inclusive solutions. This approach has made shades&contrast a respected consulting firm trusted by leading companies.

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Companies that trust Zaminas expertise

Gespräch zwischen Zamina und einem Mann hinter den Kulissen.Zamina mit Fernbedienung auf Event, Blick auf Publikum.Zamina spricht auf Konferenz, #Sichtbarkeit im Hintergrund.Gespräch zwischen Zamina und einer Frau auf der Bühne.Zamina gestikuliert während einer Präsentation.

Let’s Talk about Inclusive AI

Zamina's commitment and innovative spirit were recognized by the prestigious Digital Female Leader Award 2023 and the Kultur- & Kreativpilot*innen Deutschland award. This recognition reflects her outstanding achievements and her influence as a leader in the world of responsible technology.

Zamina is not only a recognized expert in her field but also a sought-after speaker. Her inspiring lectures offer deep insights into the world of data and inclusive AI, illuminated by her comprehensive expertise and unique perspective on ethical technology and innovation.

Book Zamina as a Speaker
Book Zamina as a speaker